πŸ“• Node [[agora bot]]
↳ πŸ““ Resource @flancian@twitter.com/agora bot
πŸ“„ agora bot.md by @flancian@twitter.com
  • [[flancian]] https://twitter.com/{‘id’: ‘773144670507499521’, ‘name’: ‘The Agora is a Federated Knowledge Commons’, ‘username’: ‘flancian’}/status/1561471669461467139
    • The Twitter [[agora bot]] (@an_agora) will go into maintenance for a while while I merge a feature branch.

Please excuse any delays. It should catch up when back :)- [[flancian]] https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1561471669461467139

  • The Twitter [[agora bot]] (@an_agora) will go into maintenance for a while while I merge a feature branch.

Please excuse any delays. It should catch up when back :)- [[flancian]] https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1575157981985050624

  • Testing new [[agora bot]] Twitter code with direct mentions, please ignore.

@an_agora- [[flancian]] https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1575174929208979457

  • Note that @an_agora is back in limited form, only with explicit mentions support on @twitter: [[flancia meet]].

(This is while we implement OAuth 2.0 User Context support in [[agora bot]] to meet the new [[Twitter API]] requirements and be able to read the bot’s own timeline.)

[[agora bot]] is now fully back to Twitter! That means if you follow @an_agora and then use [[wikilinks]], you don’t need to keep at-mentioning the bot; they should see your post in their timeline and react to it within a few minutes. https://t.co/YH4g4KcyCZ

πŸ“„ Agora bot.md by @flancian@twitter.com

@an_agora https://t.co/LB6jAZWfbn

Except, that is, for the space :)

I started using them everywhere but then moved [[Agora bot]] to write percent encoding in the flavor that uses the symbol + for spaces:


Pro: this is a lossless scheme. Cons: less readable in many cases, like (1/2)

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πŸ“• Node [[agorabot]] pulled by the Agora